Ruben Mnatsakanian


Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
+43 1 252-302081, +3620-4426282

Working Experience:

  • Professor, CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy (since 2005)
  • Visiting Professor at MA Program in Environmental Policy at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, USA (2001-2002, while on subbatical at CEU)
  • Associate Professor, CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy (since 1994)
  • Visiting Research Fellow, IFEN (Institute Francais de l'Environment), Orleans, France (1993-1994)
  • Head of Department, Institute for Natural and Cultural Heritage, Moscow, Russia (1992- 1993)
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Human Ecology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (1991-92)
  • Research Fellow, Department of Geography, Moscow State University (1984-91)
  • Participant in the UNEP/GEO (Global Environment Outlook) project since 1996, head of CEU/ UNEP Collaborating Centre
  • Occasional consultancies for WHO (World Health Organisation), EEA (European EnvironmentAgency), OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).

Office Hours:

By appointment via email 


Ph.D. in Geography (Candidate of Science degree) from Moscow State University in 1985.
MSc in Geography from Moscow State University in 1981.