David Weberman

Associate Professor

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
+36 1327-3000 x2324


Associate Professor, Central European University, Department of Philosophy, 2007-

Fellow, Humanities Center, Central European University, 2005-2006

Associate Professor, Georgia State University, Department of Philosophy, 2002-2004 

Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, Department of Philosophy, 1999-2002

Fellow in Law and Philosophy, Harvard Law School, 1998-1999

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Philosophy, 1990-1998

Teaching Fellow, Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of Humanities, 1989-1990  


20th century European Philosophy; Philosophy of History; Hermeneutics;


19th century European Philosophy; Aesthetics; Emotions


Ph.D.                Columbia University. Philosophy. 1990.                 

M. Phil.             Columbia University. Philosophy. 1987.                       

M.A.                  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany. Philosophy. 1982.

--                       University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. French, Philosophy.



Historische Objektivität (New York, Bern: Peter Lang, 1991).


Space and Pluralism: Can Our Cities Be Places of Tolerance? ed. by David Weberman and Stefano Moroni (Budapest: CEU Press, 2016).



 “Review-Essay of Chiel van den Akker’s Exemplifying the Past,” Rethinking History, forthcoming.

“The Corona Phenomenon and Philosophical Questions” in Pegah Mosleh  (ed.), The Pandemic and Philosophy, (Leiden: Brill Publishing, forthcoming).

“On the Compatibility of Competing Narratives Interpretation,” Balkan Journal of Philosophy 13 (2021), pp. 5-10.

 “Interpretation” in C.M. van den Akker (ed.), Routledge Companion to History and Theory, (London: Routledge, 2021).

 “What is an Existential Emotion?,” Hungarian Philosophical Review 64 (December 2020), pp. 88-100.

  “Hermeneutischer Perspektivismus” in Hartmut von Sass (ed.), Perspectivismus: Neue Beiträge aus der Erkenntnistheorie, Hermeneutik und Ethik, (Blaue Reihe) Felix Meiner Verlag, 2019, Hamburg, pp. 83-100.

“Introduction: Space, Pluralism and Tolerance” with Stefano Moroni in David Weberman and Stefano Moroni, Space and Pluralism, (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2016), pp. 1-13.

 “Space, Place and Politics” with Cecilia Lippai in David Weberman and Stefano Moroni, Space and Pluralism, (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2016), pp. 15-34.

 “A False Dilemma: Philosophy is Either Argument or Mere Poetry” in Registers of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, http://www.phil-inst.hu/en/publications/insitute-publications/working-papers-in-philosophy/registers-of-philosophy, 2016.

 “Simulation,” with Laszlo Kajtar in Ethics, Science, Technology and Engineering: A Global Resource, 2nd ed., 4 vols., eds. J. Britt Holbrook and Carl Mitcham, (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2015), vol 4, pp. 158-161.

 “Tempered Prospects for a Globalized Conception of Human Rights” with Zlata Bozac, Njohja 3        (2014), pp. 213-222.

 “Sicknesses of the Soul: Heidegger’s Abstaendigkeit” in Starosť o dušu - étos konania (Červený  Kostelec: Pavel Mervart Verlag, 2014).

 “On the Idea of Overcoming Epistemology,” in: Charles Taylor: Interpretation, Modernity and Identity, eds. Jean-Claude Gens and Csaba Olay (Argenteuil, France: Le Cercle Herméneutique Éditeur,  2014), pp. 135-149.

 “McDowell aus der Sicht der Hermeneutik” (in German) (English: McDowell from the Perspective of Hermeneutics”) in Die Philosophie John McDowells, eds. Christian Barth and David Lauer (Muenster: Mentis Verlag, 2014), pp. 263-282.

 Philosophy as Self-Tranformation: From Socratic Wisdom to Foucauldian De-Naturalization,” (in Albanian) ”Filozofia e vetetransformimit: Prej urtesise sokratike te denatyralizimi foucauldian,” Njohja 2 (Kosovo), 2013: 227-241.

 “Does the Endeavor to Understand the Other Suppress the Other’s Otherness” in Affectivity, Agency  And Intersubjectivity, ed. by Peter Sajda (Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2012), 138-152. 

“Sartre on the Authenticity  Required If My Choices Are To Be Truly Mine“ in Filozofia (Bratislava) 9 (2011): 879-889.

 “Space, Place and Politics” with Cecilia Lippai, RESPECT Project Working Papers (5/2010), Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, ISSN 2037-5816.

 “Phenomenology and History” in Blackwell Companion to Philosophy of History, ed. by Aviezer Tucker, (Malden, MA: Blackwell 2008), 508-517.

 “Critical Notice: Julian Young, Heidegger’s Philosophy of Art” in Philosophical Inquiry (Athens) 27 (Summer-Fall 2005): 115-125.

 “Gadamer, Non-Intentionalism and the Underdeterminedness of Aesthetic Properties” in O Que Nos Faz Pensar, ed. by Deborah Danowski and Luiz Carlos P. Dias Pereira (Rio de Janeiro: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 2004), 255-272.

  “Gadamer and the Heterogeneity of Understanding” in Gadamer Verstehen/Understanding  Gadamer, ed.  by Mirko Wischke and Michael Hofer (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003), 35-56.

 “The Matrix, Simulation and Postmodernism” in The Matrix and Philosophy, ed. by William Irwin (LaSalle, Ill., Open Court. 2002), 225-239.

“Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and the Question of Authorial Intention” in The Death and Resurrection of the Author? ed. by William Irwin (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002), 45-64.

"On Racial Kinship” with Yalonda Howze, Social Theory and Practice 27 (July 2001): 419-436.

 “Heidegger’s Relationalism,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9:1 (March 2001): 109-122.

 “Are Freedom and Anti-Humanism Compatible? The Case of Foucault and Butler,”- Constellations 7 (June 2000): 255-271.

 “A New Defense of Gadamer's Hermeneutics,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LX (January 2000): 45-65.

 “Reconciling Gadamer’s Non-Intentionalism with Standard Conversational Goals” The Philosophical Forum 30 (December 1999): 317-328.

 “Cambridge Changes Revisited: Why Certain Relational Changes are Indispensable,” Dialectica 53 (1999): 139-149.

 “Heidegger and the Source(s) of Intelligibility,” with Pierre Keller, Continental Philosophy Review 31 (October 1998): 369-386. Reprinted in Dasein, Authenticity and Death: Heidegger Re-examined, (eds.) Hubert Dreyfus and Mark Wrathall (London: Routledge, 2002).

 “The Nonfixity of the Historical Past,” Review of Metaphysics 50 (June 1997): 749-768.

 “Liberal Democracy, Autonomy and Ideology Critique,” Social Theory and Practice 23 (Summer 1997): 205-233.

 "Sartre, Emotions and Wallowing,” American Phil. Quarterly 33 (October 1996): 393-407.

 “Heidegger and the Disclosive Character of the Emotions,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (Fall 1996): 379-410.

  “Foucault's Reconception of Power,” The Philosophical Forum 26 (Spring 1995): 189-217.


  “Steven G. Smith, Full History: On the Meaningfulness of Shared Action,” Notre Dame     Philosophical Reviews (online), August 2017.

  “Douglas Donkel (ed.), The Theory of Difference,” Teaching Philosophy 29 (March 2006): 75-77.

 “Karl Ameriks (ed.), Cambridge Companion to German Idealism,Ethics 112 (July 2002): 884.

 “Martin Morris, Rethinking the Communicative Turn: Adorno, Habermas and The Problem of Communicative Freedom,Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur 94 (Spring 2002): 142-143

  “Michael P. Lynch, Truth in Context: An Essay on Pluralism and Objectivity,” Teaching Philosophy 24 (March 2001): 81-83.

 “Lewis R. Gordon (ed.), Existence in Black: An Anthology of Black Existential Philosophy,” Teaching Philosophy 23 (December 2000): 390-392.

  “Stephen Eric Bronner, Camus: Portrait of a Moralist,Review of Politics 62 (Summer 2000): 620-622.

 “Sabine S. Gelhaar (ed.), Jüdische Fragen als Themata der Philosophie, Modern Austrian Literature 31 (1998): 162-163

 “Michael Rosen, On Voluntary Servitude,” Ethics 108 (April 19 98): 617-619.

 “Jürgen Habermas, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action,” Philosophical Review 101 (October 1992): 924-926. Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism 104 (1998): 80-82.

 “Ronald Roblin (ed.), The Aesthetics of the Critical Theorists: Studies on Benjamin, Adorno, Marcuse and Habermas,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (Summer 1992): 274.

 “John Rajchman, Philosophical Events: Essays of the 80's,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (Spring 1992): 168-169.


“Mathematics as Both Familiar and Unknown” (“Mathematik als ein zugleich Vertrautes und Unbekanntes”) by Paul Bernays, The Bernays Project, Carnegie-Mellon University, www.phil.cmu.edu/projects/bernays



Interpretive Pluralism - a sustained defense of a nonrelativist, Gadamer-inspired, interpretive pluralism with special attention to the problem of interpretation in law, literature and history.


            Continental and Analytic Philosophy: An Account of the Difference

            In Defense of Anachronistic in the History of Philosophy

            The Afterlife of Artworks




“Gespräch: Kunst als Tagespolitik?” Interuniversitärer Forschungsverbund Elfriede Jelinek, Vienna May 2021.

  “Why We Don’t Interpret Nature” University of Prishtina, Kosovo, November 2019.

  “Three Hermeneutic Reasons for Relativism,” University of Vienna, October 2019.

 “What is an Existential Emotion,” Existential Emotions Workshop, CEU/ELTE, Budapest, June 2019.

 “On the Compatibility of Competing Narratives,” Narrative Understanding Workshop, ELTE, Budapest, May 2019.

  “Hermeneutics Today,” Center for Media Studies, JNU, New Delhi, India, December 2018

 “Hermeneutics Today” and “Emotional Truth”, Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady, India, December 2018

 “Suffering,” Syntalk podcast, Mumbai, India, December 2018.

 “Recent Work on Secularism,” University-Wide Lecture, CEU, Budapest, November 2018.

  “Sense Modalities, Hearing and Sound,” Sound Studies Program, CEU, Budapest, October 2018.

  “The Phantom Object of Understanding in Gadamerian Hermeneutics” University of Bonn,        Germany, Philosophy Department, June 2017.

  “Non-fictional Narratives and Perspectives, CEU, Philosophy Department, March 2017.

   “Hermeneutischer Perspektivismus” ETH, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, March,2017.

  “Comments on Semantic Holism and Hermeneutics”, DAAD Conference on the Unity of the ` Subject, Cambridge, UK, June 2016.

   “All Roads Lead to Understanding”, CEU, Philosophy Department, Budapest, December 2015.

   “A False Dilemma: Philosophy is Either Argument or Mere Poetry,” Pazmany Peter Catholic             University, Budapest, May 2015.

    “Are Ethics and Religion Separable” University of Prishtina, Kosovo, April 2015.

     “Absicht und Gespraech: Gadamers Anti-Intentionalismus und sein Gespraechsmodell des   Verstehens,” International Gadamer Conference, Heidelberg Center, Santiago, Chile, April 2015.

   “Doubts about Kantian Disinterestedness,” Workshop on Kant and Aesthetics, CEU, March 2015.

   “Sicknesses of the Soul,” The Human Project, Budapest, April 2014.

  “Heidegger’s Abstaendigkeit,” Slovakian Philosophical Society, Keynote Address, October 2013.

 “Comments on Ronald de Sousa’s “Love and Reasons,’ ELTE, Budapest, June 2013, (not present,          paper read by chair of panel).

 "A Defense of Anachronistic History of Philosophy.” “Problems in Teaching Philosophy.” “Considerations on Publishing in Philosophy.” Academic Fellowship Project Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2012. 

 “Turning False Necessities into Pliable Contingencies,” University of Prishtina, Kosovo, November 2012.

 “About the Idea of Overcoming Epistemology,” Charles Taylor Conference, Institut Francais, CEU, Budapest, June 2012.

 “Interpretation versus Knowledge: A Question of Priority,” Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia, May 2012.

.“Charles Taylor’s Move Beyond Epistemology,” University of Prishtina, Kosovo, October 2011.

  “Levinas on Understanding Others,” Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, September 2011.

 “Sartre on the Authenticity Required If My Choices Are To Be Truly Mine,“ CEU, Budapest, February 2011.

 “Analytic and Continental Philosophy, Logical Puzzles and Historical Embeddedness,” University of Prishtina, Kosovo, October 2010.

 “Hermeneutics versus Epistemology,” Academic Fellowship Project Conference, Fethiye, Turkey, October 2010. 

 “Space, Place and Politics” with Cecilia Lippai, RESPECT Project Conference, University of Copenhagen, June 2010.

  Commentator on Brian Leiter’s “Foundations of Religious Liberty: Toleration or Respect?,” University of Pavia, Italy, November 2009

 “A Defense of Anachronistic History of Philosophy,” Central European University, Budapest, October 2009

 “The Challenge for Interpretive Pluralism,” Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India; Jadavpur University, Calcutta India, March, April 2009

 “McDowell’s Re-Enchanted Nature and the Multiply Interpretable World,” 14th Evian Philosophy Colloquium, Evian France, July 2008

 “Interpretation, Underdetermination and Relational Properties,” Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 2008.

 “Problems with Interpretive Monism,” Central European University, Budapest, June 2007.

 “Possible Convergences in Analytic and Continental Philosophy,” University of Sarajevo, June 2007.

 “Three Lectures on Foucault: Power, Subjectivity and Truth,” Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Adminstrative, Bucharest, June 2007.

  “What is Emotional Truth?” ELTE, Budapest, November 2006.

 “Five Things to Know about Hermeneutics,” Università di Genova, Italy, February 2006.

 “Heidegger’s Anti-Epistemology,” Central European University, Budapest, November 2005.

 Commentator on David Vessey’s “Gadamer and the Fusion of Horizons,” APA Pacific meeting, San Francisco, March 2005 (not attended, paper read by chair of panel).

  “Nietzsche and Callicles,” Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin, February, 2005.

 “Is Substantive Philosophy of History Legitimate or Simply a Case of Substance Abuse?” William Edwards Undergraduate Lecture, Emory University, November 2004.

 “Is Substantive Philosophy of History a Legitimate Enterprise?” Central European University, Budapest, July 2004.       

 “Cassirer’s Mythical Thought and Heidegger’s Problem with Consciousness,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Boston, November 2003.

 “Nietzsche, Genealogy and the Genetic Fallacy,” German Studies Assoc., New Orleans, Sep. 2003.

 Commentator on “Text, Time and Image in Walter Benjamin,” German Studies Assoc., New Orleans, Sep. 2003.

 Commentator on Nicholas Fotion’s “Moral Constraints of War,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, April 2003.

 “Adorno on the Immediacy of Experience,” German Studies Association, San Diego, October 2002.

 “Gadamer, Non-Intentionalism and the Underdetermninedness of Aesthetic Properties,” Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 2002.

 “Against Intentionalism: The Underlying Intuition,” Furman University, February 2002.

Commentator on “Why Phenomenologists Cannot Discover Essences,” APA Eastern meeting, Atlanta, December 2001.                    

 “Gadamer’s Moderate Non-Intentionalism,” Brooklyn College-CUNY, December 2001.

 “The Matrix, Simulation and Postmodernism,” Georgia State University, November 2001.

 Session Chair, “The Dialogical and Communal Grounding of Practical Hermeneutics,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Goucher College, Baltimore, October 2001.

 Commentator on “Interpretation and First-Person Authority,” Georgia State Univ., September 2001.

 “What’s Behind Sanctity of Life Arguments?” Panel on Abortion, Georgia State Univ., April 2001.

 Commentator on “Sartre and Racialized Identity,” APA Pacific meeting, San Francisco, March 2001.

 “The Hermeneutic Case Against Authorial Intention,” symposium paper APA Pacific meeting, San Francisco, March 2001.

 “Does the Endeavor to Understand the Other Suppress the Other’s Otherness?,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Penn. State University, October 2000. Organized panel “Communication and Incommunicability in Adorno, Bataille, Levinas and Gadamer.”

 “On Racial Kinship,” APA Central meeting, Chicago, April 2000.

 “Is Group Identity in Bad Faith? A Sartrean Perspective," APA Eastern meeting, Boston, Dec. 1999.

 “On Racial Kinship,” Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics, Georgia State University, September 1999 and Georgia Philosophical Society, Emory University, November 1999.

 Panel Moderator, “Between Ethics and Justice,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Hartford, Conn., May 1999.

 “Heidegger's Relationalism,” APA Central meeting, New Orleans, May 1999.

 “A New Defense of Gadamer's Hermeneutics,” APA Pacific meeting, Berkeley, April 1999.

 “Is Group Identity in Bad Faith? A Sartrean Perspective,” Tenth Biennial North American Sartre Society meeting, Los Angeles; Georgia State University, Miami University (Ohio), February 1999.

 “Reconciling Gadamer's Non-Intentionalism with Standard Conversational Goals,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Denver, October 1998.

 “A Relational Properties Approach to a Theory of Interpretation,” Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, August 1998.  Selected for on-line publication.

 “Are Freedom and Anti-Humanism Compatible? The Case of Foucault and Butler,” Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 1998. 

 “Power and Agency in Judith Butler's Work,” APA Pacific meeting, Los Angeles, March 1998.

 “Interpretive Pluralism: An Overview,” University of Auckland, New Zealand, February 1998.

 “The Nonfixity of the Historical Past,” National Chung-Cheng Univ., Rep. of China, January 1996.

 “Sartre, Emotions and Wallowing,” National Tsing Hua University, Rep. of China, January 1996.

 “Heidegger on the Disclosive Character of Emotions,” Lawrence University, February 1994.

 “Towards a Genetic Conception of Ideology,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 1993.

 “Heidegger contra Descartes,” University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, October 1991.

 “Heidegger's Transcendental Historicism,” Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Wisconsin-Madison, January 1990.

 “Comments on the Mind-Body Problem,” Drew University, January 1990.

 “Heidegger's Transcendental Argument,” Illinois Institute of Technology, November 1989.


 Socrates Outreach         2019-                Instructor

Program                        2020

 Central European          2005-                Visiting Fellow, Associate Professor

University             Merleau-Ponty, Does Literature Convey Philosophy?, Counter-Enlightenment, Perspectives, Perspectivism and Relativism; Hermeneutics, Pragmatism, Current Trends in Phenomenology, Phil of Lit, Human Suffering, Nietzsche, Kant’s First Critique, Philosophy of History, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Social Sciences , Foucault, Philosophy of  Interpretation, Philosophy of History of Philosophy, Heidegger’s Being and Time, Continental Philosophy since Kant, Interpretation in Law, Buber, Philosophy of Time, Derrida, Philosophy of Literature, Pragmatism, Current Topics in Phenomenology. Human Suffering, Understanding, Truth in Narrative, Explanation and Understanding, Deleuze, French Philosophy at mid-20th Century, Understanding

 Bard-Clemente             2001-2004,       Instructor

Program in Humanities  2019                 Introduction to Philosophy

 Georgia State                1999-2004        Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

University        Undergraduate Courses: Great Questions of Philosophy, Existentialism, Hermeneutics, Nietzsche, Phenomenology, Mortal Questions, Sartre, Heidegger, Marxism, Aesthetics.

Graduate Courses: Hermeneutics, Postmodernism, Nietzsche, Phenomenology, Sartre, Continental Aesthetics, Heidegger, Frankfurt School, Marxism, Merleau-Ponty, Aesthetics.

Directed Studies: Heidegger, Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations

 University of                 1990-1998        Assistant Professor

Wisconsin-Madison                              Undergraduate Courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Hermeneutics and History, Heidegger, Existentialism, Foucault, Late Heidegger and French Philosophy, Philosophy of  History, Interpretation in Law and Literature

Graduate Seminars: Heidegger, Autonomy and Ideology, Heidegger and Subjectivity, Frankfurt School, French Anti-Humanism, Hermeneutics, Late Foucault

Directed Studies: Frankfurt School Aesthetics, Philosophy of History, Heidegger's Aesthetics, The End of Philosophy?, Death, Feminist Epistemology, Heidegger's Nietzsche

 Illinois Institute of         1989-1990        Teaching Fellow: Core Humanities Course, 20th Century Philo- Technology                                     sophy, Political Philosophy

 HEOP (program for       1987-1989        Tutor: Formal Logic

disadvantaged students)

 New York University    1986-1989        Lecturer: Intro. to Philosophy, Existentialism, Ethical Relativism

 Columbia University     1985-1989        Preceptor: Literature-Humanities

                                                            Instructor: Existentialism

                                                            Teaching Assistant: Kant, Nietzsche; Reader: Intro. to Philosophy





          CEU SUN Summer Course, “Moral Phenomenology,” Central European Univesity, Budapest June        2015.

  • Erasmus Teaching Grant, Charles University, Prague, May 2012 (taught one-week credited course on Hermeneutics).
  • CEU SUN Summer Course, “Freedom and Experiences of Subjugation” co-directed with John Christman, Central European University, Budapest, July 2010.
  • International Scholar, Academic Fellowship Grant, (paid advisor to Department of Philosophy, University of Pristina, Kosovo within Higher Education Support Program, Open Society Institute) 2010 - 2015
  • EU Framework Programme Research Grant, “Equal Respect and Tolerance in a Culturally Diverse   Europe,” Coordinator for Hungary, 2-year, 12-nation, 1.8 million euro project, 2010-2011.
  • Senior Research Fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, March-April 2009.
  • Humanities Fellow, Central European University, 2005-2006 (2 yrs., paid).
  • Research Initiation Grant, Georgia State University, 2004.
  • Writing Across the Curriculum, Georgia State University, 2001.
  • University of Wisconsin Foundation Grants, 1991, 1993



  • Fellowship in Law and Philosophy, Harvard Law School, 1998-1999
  • IIT Humanities Fellowship (Mellon Foundation), Illinois Institute of Technology, 1989-90
  • President's Fellowship, Columbia University, 1983-1984, 1984-1985
  • Graduate with Distinction, Universität München, 1982


  • American Philosophical Association
  • Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
  • North American Sartre Society
  • Society for the Philosophy of History
  • Georgia Philosophical Society (Vice President 2000-2001, President 2001-2002)
  • German Studies Association


  • German: near-native reading, writing and speaking
  • French: very good reading, good writing and speaking


  • Munich, Germany (7 years); Paris, France (1 year); Israel (6 months); Switzerland (3 months); India (2 months); Budapest, Hungary (14 years), Vienna Austria (2 years)
  • Deutschkurs für Ausländer an der Universität München (5 months)


  • Central European University: Supervisor of 8 Ph.D. Theses (Heidegger’s Philosophical Anthropology, Husserl’s Theory of Meaning, Political Art, Ugliness in Aesthetic Theory, Phenomenological Environmentalism, Philosophical Issues in the Study of Narrative; Heidegger and Philosophical Anthropology, Hermeneutics and Translation); 24 M.A.Theses   
  • Georgia State University: Supervisor of M.A. Theses, [Sartre (2); Nietzsche (2), Heidegger (1) and Cixous (1 with the Women’s Studies Institute), Merleau-Ponty (1)]. Member of M.A.Thesis Committee (on philosophy of law, on Tolstoy’s theory of art, on pragmatism, on Heidegger, on Sartre).
  • University of Wisconsin: Supervisor of Ph.D. Dissertations, (on Sartre; on philosophy of technology).
  • University of Wisconsin: Member of Ph.D. Dissertation Committees, Philosophy Dept., German  Dept., English Dept., Sociology Dept., Political Science Dept., Dept. of Education Policy Studies.



  • Central European University: Organizer of Annual Inhouse Graduate Conference, Organizer of Colloquium Series; Director of Ph.D. program, PhD Admissions, MA Admissions
  • Georgia State University:  Director of Undergraduate Studies (2001 - ), Recording Secretary, Colloquium Program Committee Chair, Departmental Self-Study Committee, Junior Search Committee- Chair, Senior Search Committee, Visiting Instructor Search Committee, Curriculum Committee, Affiliate of Women’s Studies Institute.
  • University of Wisconsin: Admissions Committee, Continuing Students Fellowship Committee, Independent Major Committee, DAAD/Bonn Fellowships Committee, Foreign Language Committee.


  • Books:  Broadview Press, Longman Publishers, Oxford University Press, Routledge.
  • Journals: American Philosophical Quarterly, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Contemporary Political Theory, Continental Philosophy Review, Dialogue (Canada), Ethics and Information Technology, Herder Jahrbuch, Inquiry, Monatshefte  für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy and Rhetoric, Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Prolegomena (Croatia), Synthese, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Theoria (South Africa), Theoria (Sweden).
  • Grants: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Canada Council of the Arts: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal); Czech Science Foundation (GACR), Institute of Advanced Studies, Central European University; Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris; European Research Council (Brussels); Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia.
  • Editorial Board: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies (Cluj, Romania); Philosophy (Skopje, Macedonia); Kosovo Philosophical Association.
  • PhD and MA Theses: University of Auckland (New Zealand), University of Pavia (Italy), India Institute of Technology.
  • Tenure and Promotion Decisions: Beloit College, Clemson University, University of Tel Aviv.
  • Other: Fine Arts Exhibition, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Journalism History Society, Georgia State University.


MA, Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich
PhD, Philosophy, Columbia University, New York